Pet Boarding

If you’ve got an obligation that requires you to be away from your pets for a while, bring them to us! We’ll give them worry-free care while you’re away, and a portion of what we earn will be used toward pet rescue and adoption efforts.
If you’re ready, book a reservation online right meow!
Dog Boarding
We’ve got multiple options for accommodating your dog (if you’re boarding another type of critter, scroll down). Each kennel features a soft and comfy, chew-proof kuranda bed and clean, stainless steel food and water bowls.
We have multiple kennel sizes. Our largest kennels are what we call our fivestar are 6′ × 7′ and accommodates even the largest dogs, or multiple small- to medium-sized dogs if they prefer to stay together. Our other kennels are 5×6 and 3×6. Daily cost for one dog is $25/day, and $15 for each additional dog in the same kennel up to three dogs per kennel.
“Not-dog” Boarding
We’re also fully-equipped to board almost any other critter — cats, ferrets, rabbits, unicorns, and more — for just $10/day. Okay, maybe not unicorns… but if you have one, do call us!